Slow internet holding you back? Here are 3 things that might help
We’re spoiled by the phenomenal speeds the internet can now provide, except rural businesses who are twice as likely to have bad broadband than their urban counterparts, according to research by the British Chambers of Commerce.
While your location may have a bearing, there are other factors which can put your connective capabilities on the back foot. Here we list three of them and show you how to address them.
Actual speed
Websites including SPEEDOF.ME and TestMy.net allow you to test the speed of your connectivity to make sure you’re getting the service you’ve actually been promised by your provider. Test this at different times of the day throughout the week to get an average.
If it’s wildly off what you’re supposed to be getting, then it’s time to assess your internet package. You could check to see if there are any downtime issues in your area by speaking to your provider or switch altogether.
A different package or fibre optic connection may make a world of difference, and most big internet providers have this option.
As irksome as constant messages to upgrade can be, ignoring them may be the source of your slow browsing. Out of sight, wireless routers can be easy to forget, but they have regular firmware updates and often all it takes to bring them up to par is a few simple steps. Internet browsers often prompt an update, otherwise, do this themselves every few days. Wi-fi enabled devices that are lagging behind can also slow down when denied the latest revisions.
Routers placed near competing frequencies can have an impact on its effectiveness. If this sounds familiar, try moving your router to a more open space, rather than hiding it behind the TV unit. If the problem is that you lose connection the further away you are, then a signal booster could help you stay connected throughout the house and beyond.
New routers offer vast improvements on reception, so buying a new one is another option.
If you’re using your wi-fi in your home office, be mindful that loss of connection can severely impact your business. Get in touch with NC Insurance to find out about how Business Insurance for home office work can feature business interruption insurance.