Charity Fundraising

Looking for a regular income stream for your charity?

0800 877 8277

Increase Your Fundraising

    Register to become a ThirdSectorProtect charity referral partner!

    *required field.

    Need help with your Charity Fundraising?

    Even before anyone had even heard of Coronavirus, the single biggest concern for charities, regardless of their size, was fundraising.

    And Covid-19 has just made the role of a fundraiser so much more difficult as many people are struggling to pay their own bills, let alone find it in their budgets to help others. Yes, the huge number of people volunteering to support the NHS is amazing and hopefully means that from now on, volunteering and helping others becomes the standard. The fact however remains that charities and other not-for-profits rely on grants, donations and regular income streams in order to survive. And that’s the position many charities now find themselves in. That is, a fight for survival.

    At Third Sector Protect, we speak with and help clients in the third sector every single day. It’s what we do. And it’s what we love. And that’s why we want charities and other voluntary organisations not just to survive, but to thrive and grow. Yes, even in the most difficult of times, not-for-profits who can and are willing to adapt, can be successful.

    That’s why we hope you’re interested in Working Together with us to bring a much needed, additional revenue stream into your organisation.

    Why work with us?

    Through our work as sponsors of the North East Fundraising Conference and insurance broker for the Institute of Fundraising, we understand the pressures faced by fundraisers and charities.

    Through our work as sponsors of the North East Fundraising Conference and insurance broker for organisations like the Institute of Fundraising and VODA, we understand the pressures faced by fundraisers and charities.

    This is why we’re Working Together with charities and their fundraisers for a better today, and tomorrow. By working together with ThirdSectorProtect you can benefit from:

    • Regular income for your charity –  Our charity referral partners receive an extremely generous referral fee for not just the initial referral but for 2 further years.
    • Immediate savings on your own insurance – As a referral partner, you aren’t just rewarded for business you introduce to us. You’ll also receive heavily discounted premiums on your own charities insurance.
    • Smooth lead transfers – We can provide you with a dedicated landing page, which will directly transfer your connections information into our database. This instigates a call to your client from one of our dedicated, ethical and professional insurance specialists.
    How the process works

    As a charity fundraiser, there is every chance you will have corporate supporters and other stakeholders with a need for insurance. By partnering with ThirdSectorProtect, you can now refer these people to a trusted insurance broker who can help them secure hard to beat insurance premiums. And by using our service, you and your charity will receive market-leading referral fees for every successful referral. This means you add value to your connections above and beyond CSR.

    Want to become a referral partner and get a regular income stream?
    Step 1 – Register as a referral partner
    Simply complete the form above and our Sales & Marketing Director, Mark Burdett, will be in touch to answer any questions you have and send you an agreement which will allow us to register you.
    Step 2 – Identify someone you could help
    We can support you with marketing materials, including a dedicated website landing page, enabling you to promote our service and reach your connections.
    Step 3 – Obtain their consent
    Once you have identified a suitable client, ensure they are happy for us to contact them.
    Step 4 – Send us your referral
    Simply pass us the client’s details and their preferred contact time using the referral route that suits you best.
    Step 5 – Receive your referral fee
    It generally takes around 8 weeks for a new policy to be incepted and paid to the insurers we work with, at which point you receive your referral fee. And if that policies renews next year and the following year, you will also receive a referral fee for those successful renewals.
    Marketing support we offer

    We can provide you with training and marketing materials to enable you to maximise your opportunities. Speak to our Charity Client Broker, Freddie Wilkinson, today to see what free marketing support we can offer you and your charity.